
Monday, October 1, 2012

Arrived in Auckland

I arrived at 5am and was able to sleep most of the flight and purchase a giant coffee once I got into town. So far, no jet lag. The surreality of the trip is just beginning to fade. Each new thing that happens makes it feel increasingly real instead of like I'm some sort of mental hitchhiker.
Things like getting my boarding pass.

And going through orientation. I've got a bank account, in the process of getting a phone, job, car, plans.
However, I feel ahead of the game since I can proudly say I've already made my first purchase at the warehouse. NZ's version of Walmart. I felt at home.
At least I know where I'm staying tonight.
I checked out my dorm room and judging by the mess , giant flip flops and 2 gallon drum of protein powder, my bunk mates  are all guys. A little weird sharing a tiny room with 4 strange dudes.
But I guess it just means I won't be the only one passing gas while sleeping.

View from my room
The possibilities for the next year are literally endless. I'm overwhelmed by my freedom of choice! Should I buy a car? Take a train? Start work now? Work later, travel now? Take an adventure tour? North island or South Island first? Aaaaaaaah my heads spinning.
Year long vacations, first world problems.....
Seaside dinner (subway sandwich)


  1. I'm smiling so much while reading. So excited for all your possibilities and so happy your blogging so I can follow along. :) love you and miss you already Friend.

  2. Thank you! I miss the best roomie ever.

  3. So exciting Lo! Please keep blogging, this is awesome to be able to read all about your journey and see your pictures! Hey and the Giants just kicked the Dodgers out of post season, UNGH! Love you!!!
